Source code for trec_car.read_data

# Use python 3.6 or higher
# obsolete:  conda install -c auto cbor=0.1.4

from __future__ import print_function

from abc import abstractmethod

import cbor
import itertools
import typing

PageId = str
PageName = str

class CborElementNotDefinedException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, cbor):
        self.cbor = cbor
        Exception.__init__(self, 'unknown Cbor element encountrered: %s' % str(cbor))

class WrongCarFileException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, file_type, expected_file_types):
        self.file_type = file_type
        self.expected_file_types = expected_file_types
        Exception.__init__(self, 'Open method does not support CAR file type: %s. Instead expect following CAR file types: %s' % (str(file_type), str(expected_file_types)))

class BrokenCborFileException(Exception):
    def __init__(self):
        Exception.__init__(self, 'Corrupt, incomplete, or otherwise broken CBOR file. Please re-download or contact the organizers or use appropriate reader to open this file.')

[docs]class Page(object): """ The name and skeleton of a Wikipedia page. .. attribute:: page_name :rtype: PageName The name of the page. .. attribute:: skeleton :rtype: typing.List[PageSkeleton] The contents of the page .. attribute:: page_type :rtype: PageType Type about the page .. attribute:: page_meta :rtype: PageMetadata Metadata about the page """ def __init__(self, page_name, page_id, skeleton, page_type, page_meta): self.page_name = page_name self.page_id = page_id self.skeleton = list(skeleton) self.child_sections = [child for child in self.skeleton if isinstance(child, Section)] self.page_type = page_type self.page_meta = page_meta def deep_headings_list(self): return [child.nested_headings() for child in self.child_sections]
[docs] def flat_headings_list(self): """ return Returns a flat list of headings contained by the :class:`Page`. :rtype: typing.List[Section] """ def flatten(prefix, headings): for section, children in headings: new_prefix = prefix + [section] if len(children)>0 : yield new_prefix yield from flatten(new_prefix, children) else: yield new_prefix deep_headings = self.deep_headings_list() return list(flatten([], deep_headings))
def get_infoboxes(self): toplevel_infoboxes = [child for child in self.skeleton if isinstance(child, InfoBox)] section_infoboxes = [section.get_infoboxes() for sections in self.flat_headings_list() for section in sections] return toplevel_infoboxes + list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(section_infoboxes)) @staticmethod def from_cbor(cbor): if not (cbor[0] == 0 or cbor[0] == 1): # tag raise CborElementNotDefinedException(cbor) pagename = cbor[1] pageId = cbor[2].decode('ascii') if len(cbor)==4: return Page(pagename, pageId, map(PageSkeleton.from_cbor, cbor[3]), ArticlePage, PageMetadata.default()) else: page_type = PageType.from_cbor(cbor[4]) return Page(pagename, pageId, map(PageSkeleton.from_cbor, cbor[3]), page_type, PageMetadata.from_cbor(cbor[5])) def __str__(self): return "Page(%s)" % self.page_name
[docs] def to_string(self): """ Render a string representation of the page. :rtype: str """ return self.page_name + self.page_meta +\ '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' + '\n'.join(str(s) for s in self.skeleton)
[docs] def nested_headings(self): """ Each heading recursively represented by a pair of ``(heading, list_of_child_sections)``. :rtype: typing.List[typing.Tuple[Section, typing.List[Section]]] """ result = [child.nested_headings() for child in self.child_sections] return result
def outline(self): return self.child_sections
[docs] def get_text(self): """Include all visible text below this elements. Includes Captions of images, but no headings and no infoboxes. See `get_text_with_headings` for a version that includes headings.""" return '\n'.join(skel.get_text() for skel in self.skeleton)
[docs] def get_text_with_headings(self, include_heading = False): """Include all visible text below this elements. While the heading of this element is excluded, headings of subsections will be included. Captions of images are excluded.""" return '\n'.join(skel.get_text_with_headings(include_heading = True) for skel in self.skeleton)
[docs]class PageType(object): """ An abstract base class representing the various types of pages. Subclasses include * :class:`ArticlePage` * :class:`CategoryPage` * :class:`DisambiguationPage` * :class:`RedirectPage` """ @staticmethod def from_cbor(cbor): typetag = cbor[0] if typetag == 0: return ArticlePage() elif typetag == 1: return CategoryPage() elif typetag == 2: return DisambiguationPage() elif typetag == 3: target = cbor[1] if type(target) == list: # TODO this is almost certainly wrong targetPage = target[1] else: targetPage = target.decode('ascii') return RedirectPage(targetPage) else: raise CborElementNotDefinedException(cbor)
[docs]class ArticlePage(PageType): '' def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): return "ArticlePage"
[docs]class CategoryPage(PageType): def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): return "CategoryPage"
[docs]class DisambiguationPage(PageType): def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): return "Disambiguation Page"
[docs]class RedirectPage(PageType): """ .. attribute:: targetPage :rtype: PageId The target of the redirect. """ def __init__(self, targetPage): self.targetPage = targetPage def __str__(self): return "RedirectPage " + self.targetPage
[docs]class PageMetadata(object): """ Meta data for a page .. attribute:: redirectNames :rtype: PageName Names of pages which redirect to this page .. attribute:: disambiguationNames :rtype: PageName Names of disambiguation pages which link to this page .. attribute:: disambiguationId :rtype: PageId Page IDs of disambiguation pages which link to this page .. attribute:: categoryNames :rtype: str Page names of categories to which this page belongs .. attribute:: categoryIds :rtype: str Page IDs of categories to which this page belongs .. attribute:: inlinkIds :rtype: str Page IDs of pages containing inlinks .. attribute:: inlinkAnchors inlinkAnchor frequencies :rtype: str (Anchor text, frequency) of pages containing inlinks .. attribute:: wikidataQid :rtype: str Language and time independent Wikidata IDs (e.g. Q12345) .. attribute:: siteId :rtype: str SiteId (e.g. enwiki). The combination of WikidataQid and SiteId identifies a page in a wikipedia across time stamps. Note that PageName and PageId can change over time. .. attribute:: pageTags :rtype: str Template tags of pages, e.g. "Good article" or "Vital article" """ def __init__(self, redirectNames, disambiguationNames, disambiguationIds, categoryNames, categoryIds, inlinkIds, inlinkAnchors, wikiDataQid, siteId, pageTags): self.inlinkAnchors = inlinkAnchors self.inlinkIds = inlinkIds self.categoryIds = categoryIds self.categoryNames = categoryNames self.disambiguationIds = disambiguationIds self.disambiguationNames = disambiguationNames self.redirectNames = redirectNames self.wikiDataQid = wikiDataQid self.siteId = siteId self.pageTags = pageTags @staticmethod def default(): return PageMetadata(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) def __str__(self): redirStr = ("" if self.redirectNames is None else (" redirected = "+", ".join([name for name in self.redirectNames]))) disamStr = ("" if self.disambiguationNames is None else (" disambiguated = "+", ".join([name for name in self.disambiguationNames]))) catStr = ("" if self.redirectNames is None else (" categories = "+", ".join([name for name in (self.categoryNames or [])]))) inlinkStr = ("" if self.inlinkIds is None else (" inlinks = "+", ".join([name for name in self.inlinkIds]))) # inlinkAnchorStr = str (self.inlinkAnchors) inlinkAnchorStr = ("" if self.inlinkAnchors is None else (" inlinkAnchors = "+", ".join( [ ("%s: %d" % (name, freq)) for (name, freq) in self.inlinkAnchors] # [ ("%s: " % (name)) for (name, freq) in self.inlinkAnchors] \ ))) wikiDataStr = ("" if self.wikiDataQid is None else (" wikiDataQid = "+self.wikiDataQid)) siteIdStr = ("" if self.siteId is None else (" siteId = "+self.siteId)) pageTagsStr = ("" if self.pageTags is None else (" pageTags = "+", ".join([name for name in (self.pageTags or [])]))) return "%s \n%s \n%s \n%s \n%s\n%s \n%s \n%s \n" % (redirStr, disamStr, catStr, inlinkStr, inlinkAnchorStr, wikiDataStr, siteIdStr, pageTagsStr) @staticmethod def from_cbor(cbor): redirectNames=None disambiguationNames=None disambiguationIds=None categoryNames=None categoryIds=None inlinkIds=None inlinkAnchors=None wikiDataQid=None siteId=None pageTags=None def decodeListOfIdList(cbor): if len(cbor)==0: return None else: return [elem.decode('ascii') for elem in cbor] def decodeListOfNameList(cbor): if len(cbor)==0: return None else: return cbor def decodeListOfNameIntList(cbor): if len(cbor)==0: return None else: # need to convert list of pair-lists to lists of pair-tuples return [(elem[0], elem[1]) for elem in cbor] for i in range(0, len(cbor), 2): tag = cbor[i][0] cbor_data = cbor[i+1] if tag == 0: redirectNames = decodeListOfNameList(cbor_data) elif tag == 1: disambiguationNames=decodeListOfNameList(cbor_data) elif tag == 2: disambiguationIds=decodeListOfIdList(cbor_data) elif tag == 3: categoryNames=decodeListOfNameList(cbor_data) elif tag == 4: categoryIds=decodeListOfIdList(cbor_data) elif tag == 5: inlinkIds=decodeListOfIdList(cbor_data) elif tag == 6: # compatability with v1.6 inlinkAnchors = [(anchor, 1) for anchor in decodeListOfNameList(cbor_data)] elif tag == 7: # compatability with v2.0 inlinkAnchors = decodeListOfNameIntList(cbor_data) elif tag == 8: wikiDataQid=cbor_data elif tag == 9: siteId=cbor_data elif tag == 10: pageTags=decodeListOfNameList(cbor_data) i+=2 return PageMetadata(redirectNames, disambiguationNames, disambiguationIds, categoryNames, categoryIds, inlinkIds, inlinkAnchors, wikiDataQid, siteId, pageTags)
[docs]class PageSkeleton(object): """ An abstract superclass for the various types of page elements. Subclasses include: * :class:`Section` * :class:`Para` * :class:`Image` """ @staticmethod def from_cbor(cbor): tag = cbor[0] if tag == 0: # section heading = cbor[1] headingId = cbor[2].decode('ascii') return Section(heading, headingId, map(PageSkeleton.from_cbor, cbor[3])) elif tag == 1: # para-wrapper return Para(Paragraph.from_cbor(cbor[1])) elif tag == 2: #images imageUrl = cbor[1] caption = [PageSkeleton.from_cbor(elem) for elem in cbor[2]] return Image(imageUrl, caption=caption) elif tag == 3: # paragraph level = cbor[1] body = Paragraph.from_cbor(cbor[2]) return List(level, body) elif tag == 4: # infobox infobox_title = cbor[1] cbor_entries = cbor[2] entries = [ (kv[0], PageSkeleton.from_cbor(kv[1][0])) for kv in cbor_entries if kv[1] and kv[1][0]] # if no value is defined kv[1] will be null. return InfoBox(infobox_title, entries) else: raise CborElementNotDefinedException(cbor)
[docs] def get_text(self): """Includes visible text of this element and below. Headings are excluded. Image Captions are included. Infoboxes are ignored. (For a version with headers and no captions see `get_text_with_headings` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_text_with_headings(self, include_heading = False): """Include all visible text below this elements. While the heading of this element is excluded, headings of subsections will be included. Captions of images are excluded.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Section(PageSkeleton): """ A section of a Wikipedia page. .. attribute:: heading :rtype: str The section heading. .. attribute:: headingId :rtype: str The unique identifier of a section heading. .. attribute:: children :rtype: typing.List[PageSkeleton] The :class:`PageSkeleton` elements contained by the section. """ def __init__(self, heading, headingId, children): self.heading = heading self.headingId = headingId self.children = list(children) self.child_sections = [child for child in self.children if isinstance(child, Section)] def str_(self, level): bar = "".join("="*level) children = "".join(c.str_(level=level+1) for c in self.children) return "\n%s %s %s\n\n%s" % (bar, self.heading, bar, children) def __str__(self): return self.str_(level=1) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.children[idx] def nested_headings(self): return (self, [child.nested_headings() for child in self.child_sections])
[docs] def get_text(self): return '\n'.join(child.get_text() for child in self.children)
[docs] def get_text_with_headings(self, include_heading = False): opt_heading = self.heading + "\n" if include_heading else "" return opt_heading + '\n'.join(child.get_text_with_headings(include_heading = True) for child in self.children)
def get_infoboxes(self): return [child for child in self.children if isinstance(child, InfoBox)]
[docs]class Para(PageSkeleton): """ A paragraph within a Wikipedia page. .. attribute:: paragraph :rtype: Paragraph The content of the Paragraph (which in turn contain a list of :class:`ParaBody`\ s) """ def __init__(self, paragraph): self.paragraph = paragraph def str_(self, level=None): return str(self.paragraph) def __str__(self): return self.str_()
[docs] def get_text(self): return self.paragraph.get_text()
[docs] def get_text_with_headings(self, include_heading = False): return self.get_text()
[docs]class Image(PageSkeleton): """ An image within a Wikipedia page. .. attribute:: caption :rtype: str PageSkeleton representing the caption of the image .. attribute:: imageurl :rtype: str URL to the image; spaces need to be replaced with underscores, Wikimedia Commons namespace needs to be prefixed """ def __init__(self, imageurl, caption): self.caption = caption self.imageurl = imageurl def str_(self, level=None): return str("!["+self.imageurl+"]. Caption: "+(''.join([str(skel) for skel in self.caption]))) def __str__(self): return self.str_()
[docs] def get_text(self): return '\n'.join(skel.get_text() for skel in self.caption)
[docs] def get_text_with_headings(self, include_heading = False): return ''
[docs]class List(PageSkeleton): """ An list element within a Wikipedia page. .. attribute:: level :rtype: int The list nesting level .. attribute:: body A :class:`Paragraph` containing the list element contents. """ def __init__(self, level, body): self.level = level self.body = body def str_(self, level=None): return str("*" * self.level + " " + str(self.body) + '\n') def __str__(self): return self.str_()
[docs] def get_text(self): return self.body.get_text()
[docs] def get_text_with_headings(self, include_heading = False): return self.get_text()
class InfoBox(PageSkeleton): def __init__(self, infobox_type, entries): """ An list element within a Wikipedia page. .. attribute:: infobox_type :rtype: str The title/type of the infobox .. attribute:: entries Key-value pair, where key is a string, and value is a :class:`PageSkeleton` containing the value. Values are often paragraphs or images, but they can also be lists. """ self.title = infobox_type self.entries = entries def str_(self, level=None): return self.title+ "\n"+ ("\n".join([key+": "+str(values) for (key,values) in self.entries])) def __str__(self): return self.str_() def get_text(self): return '' def get_text_with_headings(self, include_heading = False): return ''
[docs]class Paragraph(object): """ A paragraph. """ def __init__(self, para_id, bodies): self.para_id = para_id self.bodies = list(bodies) @staticmethod def from_cbor(cbor): if (not cbor[0] == 0): raise CborElementNotDefinedException(cbor) paragraphId = cbor[1].decode('ascii') return Paragraph(paragraphId, map(ParaBody.from_cbor, cbor[2]))
[docs] def get_text(self): """ Get all of the contained text. :rtype: str """ return ''.join([body.get_text() for body in self.bodies])
def str_(self, level=None): return ' '.join(str(body) for body in self.bodies) def __str__(self): return self.str_()
[docs]class ParaBody(object): """ An abstract superclass representing a bit of :class:`Paragraph` content. """ @staticmethod def from_cbor(cbor): tag = cbor[0] if tag == 0: return ParaText(cbor[1]) elif tag == 1: cbor_ = cbor[1] linkSection = None if len(cbor_[2]) == 1: linkSection = cbor_[2][0] linkTargetId = cbor_[3].decode('ascii') return ParaLink(cbor_[1], linkSection, linkTargetId, cbor_[4]) else: raise CborElementNotDefinedException(cbor)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_text(self): """ Get all of the text within a :class:`ParaBody`. :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ParaText(ParaBody): """ A bit of plain text from a paragraph. .. attribute:: text :rtype: str The text """ def __init__(self, text): self.text = text
[docs] def get_text(self): return self.text
def str_(self, level=None): return self.text def __str__(self): return self.str_()
def _iter_with_header(file, parse, expected_file_types): maybe_hdr = cbor.load(file) if isinstance(maybe_hdr, list) and maybe_hdr[0] == 'CAR': # we have a header file_type = maybe_hdr[1][0] if not file_type in expected_file_types: # print( 'File type tag is expected to be ', (" ".join(expected_file_types)), 'but given file is of type ', file_type) # print('Did not expect file of type', file_type) raise WrongCarFileException(file_type, expected_file_types) # read beginning of variable-length list if (not == b'\x9f'): raise BrokenCborFileException() else: yield parse(maybe_hdr) while True: try: # Check for break symbol if (peek_for_break(file)): break yield parse(cbor.load(file)) except EOFError: break def peek_for_break(cbor): b = cbor.peek(1) return b[0:1] == b'\xff'
[docs]def iter_annotations(file): """ Iterate over the :class:`Page`\ s of an annotations file. :type file: typing.BinaryIO :rtype: typing.Iterator[Page] """ return _iter_with_header(file, Page.from_cbor, [0,1])
# return TrecCarHeader.from_cbor(file) def iter_pages(file): """ Iterate over the :class:`Page`\ s of an annotations file. :type file: typing.BinaryIO :rtype: typing.Iterator[Page] """ return _iter_with_header(file, Page.from_cbor, [0]) def iter_outlines(file): """ Iterate over the :class:`Page`\ s of an annotations file. :type file: typing.BinaryIO :rtype: typing.Iterator[Page] """ return _iter_with_header(file, Page.from_cbor, [1])
[docs]def iter_paragraphs(file): """ Iterate over the :class:`Paragraph`\ s of an paragraphs file. :type file: typing.BinaryIO :rtype: typing.Iterator[Paragraph] """ return _iter_with_header(file, Paragraph.from_cbor, [2])
def dump_annotations(file): for page in iter_annotations(file): print(page.to_string()) def with_toc(read_val): class AnnotationsFile(object): def __init__(self, fname): """ Read annotations from a file. Arguments: fname The name of the CBOR file. A table-of-contents file is also expected to be present. """ self.cbor = open(fname, 'rb') self.toc = cbor.load(open(fname+'.toc', 'rb')) def keys(self): """ The page names contained in an annotations file. """ return self.toc.keys() def get(self, page): """ Lookup a page by name. Returns a Page or None """ offset = self.toc.get(page) if offset is not None: return read_val(cbor.load(self.cbor)) return None return AnnotationsFile AnnotationsFile = with_toc(Page.from_cbor) ParagraphsFile = with_toc(Paragraph.from_cbor)